This weeks challenge was to interview 3 people about what theyre biggest acomplishment was and why. I chose to ask Victoria, Florence and Chavda. I found this activity interesting as I had the chance to know what my friends are proud of. I learnt my strengths about what I am good at aswell as the people I interviewd. In this screenshot I show their biggest acomplishments and why they are proud of it, I then added what im proud of.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Activity 1: Enviorment and Explortation
This week we created a DLO based on (The Water Project). I learnt that in africa many people suffer from no acces to water. There are many cons to this problem. Thankfully a company by the name of "The water project" is helping to improve climate change by providing water in places with that suffer from not enough. I found this activity fun as I had the chance to collaborate and work as a team with Chavda, Florence, Victoria and Nyjah.
Day 3,
SLJ teaser week
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Day 1- Activity 3: Big friendly giant
Today I did an activity based on the BFG ( Big friendly giant ). For this challenge I summerised the story from roald dhal "BFG" and added my own twist in it. I also made sure to include my own version for the picture and checked my story through with friends to see if it makes sense. I enjoyed this challenge because it was fun and creative to do.
Day 1 - Activity 2: Exploring our roots
This weeks challenge was to create a maori pepeha. For my DLO I decided to put in related photos to the text and translate it from english to maori. I found this activity fun, but challenging as I am not very good at maori. In this challenge I learnt how to make a pepeha. Using a example I translated the words so that people like me who dont understand could have a chance to know the meaning as well as reading the maori translated part.
Monday, 9 December 2019
Day 1 -Activity 1:Newzealand royalty
This week is our Manaiakalni SLJ teaser week. Today I completed my first task for the Sumer Learning Journey weekly activities. In this challenge I created a DLO based on the nz singer Lorde. Lorde dropped out of college to pursue her dream of becoming a young music artist.
She became famous as her first song Royalty hit the crossbar of 2013.
Friday, 29 November 2019
Instagram post
This week students in every class at panmure bridge school has participated in creating something to sell at our school markets. My class created rainbow crayons and molded them into all types of shapes and animal sizes. In this photo it shows me & my friends promoting our class market item. In this photo we decided to sit on the hill as it is good lighting. Each of us is holding a rainbow crayon while the rest of them are in a pile near us. I had fun taking this shot because we had the chance to promot our class rainbow crayons with eachother.
Friday, 15 November 2019
Food print
This week the owner of the app Food print (michael) visited our school and talked to us about enterprise and how she got the idea. Michael showed us the procces she had to go through inable to create her own app and the pros/cons that come along with it. It was fun as we had the chance to learn of her for our school shop event. Each class will be doing shops/markets, selling what they made. What the app food print does is collect the good food that shops are waisting/throwing away for no reason & selling it for a affordble price. Michael app dosent only save food but it is good for our climate change and health. It is like uber eats but instead you pay on the app and collect your food.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Manaiakalni film festival
This week my class partnerd up with the new entrance classes to go to the manaiakalani film festival. The manaiakalani festival is when all schools create a film to represent at hoyts. All schools under manaiakalni gathers together to showcase their learning through movies. I found it fun as we had the oppertunity to watch other schools movies as they were funny and helped us learn new things.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Financial litrecy
Friday, 1 November 2019
Tech Wood work
This week for tech the year 8 students were focusing on completing their desighns. Many were sanding down parts of their wood work while others focused on completing theyre joints. At tech I learnt how to cut wood using diffrent equiptment and tools. I found this fun as I finnaly saw my desighn coming together. At first I found it hard but as I tranfered to my other peice of wood it was easier.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Importance of (RET)
Meaning (Respect, Empathy, Tolerance)
That girl you called fat is starving herself, the boy you mocked for crying..his mum died, that person you pushed is already getting abused at home. What goes around comes back around right? This is what happens when we aren't using respect, empathy and tolerance.
Its crucial that we are kind and respectful to everyone. Research says even the most happiest person you know is having a battle with anxiety & depression. Respect is a special skill that rarely takes part in our lives. So we need to change that and start learning to not only respect others but yourself as well (Aka) Self love. If you don't learn to love/respect yourself first,then how will you learn to respect others? Favor your insecurities because we are all imperfectly perfect.
Be understanding, caring and kind. Basically put yourself in someone else's shoes. Eg: Your friend comes to school with an empty lunchbox. Instead of mocking her/him try and feel what she/he feels and see if you can help them. It is all about feeling and understanding the other person.
The meaning of tolerance is to be open minded and think before you speak. Most of you might have heard the phrase “I don't tolerate your behavior” yes? Well maybe we should think about what we have done wrong and fix it.
Using these 3 qualities not only benefits ourselves but our surroundings as well.
This week for writing we have been focusing on practising writing an explanation. We all did the topic of 2 qualitys aka (Respect, empathy & Tollerence) Firstly we started of by doing reasearch then started our planning. Finally we had the chance to write our explation & it had to be complete by 30mins time. I found this not only fun but a bit challenging.
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Maori enterprise
This week we have been focusing on the Maori enterprise. Firstly we learnt about what enterprise is and when it started, we then had the chance to summerise the main ideas into 5 sentances each. This is our end summary as we changed into sylobles to make sure its clear and makes sense.
Monday, 23 September 2019
Maths challenge
This week for maths we have been learning how to divide each rugby stadium capacity and round them up to a full number to get our answer. Victoria, Haylee & I worked collaborative and solved each question given to us. In the process we were learning how to use different stratigies of adding, subtracting and also division.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Exploring our national current events
News editors make decisions everyday about which current event stories they will run. We explored the different types of current events that are happening in NZ, thought about why the story made the news and plotted the location on a google map. Using our researching skills we were able to find all current events based on (Emotion, Magnitude, Oddity ect).
Supermarket: Stops 16 & Under from drinking energy drinks
This week chavda and I have created a DLO containing 3 opinions and our point of view. Doing this activity we used our smart researching skills/we used what we know. I enjoyed this activity because we had a chance to learn and share our opinion.
Explanation: Should Nz ban plastic straws?
Haven't you always longed for a change? A change that maybe, one day we can all confidently say our earth is clean and is a safe environment for all of us to live in. Did you know that over 50% of our fish is contaminated by plastic? Let me be more specific plastic straws or in most cases plastic bags.
Although the majority of our sea creatures suffer everyday from plastic it’s good knowing that were at least putting in effort to make a change. From my perspective if plastic bags are becoming extinct in most countries so why can't we do the same with like plastic straws and other things that can harm our sea creatures. It’s like we are just waiting for sea creatures to suffer in able to see we have a problem. Why wait and watch time go pass. Each minute, second and hour a living animal dies whether it'd be in the sea or on land.
We have seen and we have watched, yet no one is ready to make a big change that could lead us to a healthy and clean environment. Our earth that we live on is suffering right now! So let’s get up and make a change.
This is why we should not be selfish and stand around, watching living creatures die every second and hour. Let's make a change! Not tomorrow. Not in a week, but today because the little amount of effort you put in or big amount, you never know how much you've helped our sea creatures unless you’ve tried..
Friday, 30 August 2019
Tech reflections
This week for tech we have been focusing on creating/completing our video since it is our Final day. Our teacher for robotics was Ms Munizo. She taught us how to code robots to do certain things and also helped us gain our knowledge on what we know about Robots ect. For the last day of tech I found it very fun as we had the chance to present what we learned and also had the chance to compete against other people/ groups in my robotics group. I learnt how to put videos together and edit/animate. At the end of the day we all were given lollipops and chocolate and the winners were given gift cards ect. Out of all our tech teachers we have had My favourite teacher is Ms Munizo because she was fun and also gave us prizes for work we completed and it motivated me to finish my work.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Kiwi can
This week for Kiwi can our topic is resilience. Resilience means coping with challenges and bouncing back. Our first warm up game was a Mexican wave. As we went into a circle we had the chance to Mexican wave on time. Our next game we played was distraction. We went in groups of 5. One person in the middle, someone in front, sides, back of the person in the middle distracting the middle person. The front person has to dance while the middle person copy's. The side people tell a story and sing a song leaving the back person to write a letter on their back. Each of these distractions have to be remembered for when the teacher asks. Our main learning today was Distractions and how we can stay focused. I enjoyed kiwi can today as I had fun and also learnt alot.
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Plastic Straw POV
This week for Inquiry Chavda and I have been using our researching skills to find out weather it’s necessary for plastic straws to be ban. In my opinion straws shouldn't be banned as it doesn't cause much problems then plastic bags. It helps us drink a drink instead of having it all over our face. Using this DLO we managed to find information/useful knowledge to back up not only our opinion but also to fill in facts for No/yes.
Friday, 23 August 2019
Tech Reflections
This week for tech we have been completing our editing for next weeks final competition. In my group we are doing a variety of different animations/ real life videos to edit and present next Friday. If we win we are given the prizes of chocolates, Sylvia park gift cards, lollipops and more! My work mates and I decided to have multiple topics and then put them all together to make one big topic based on coding and M-bots. Sadly next Friday is our last day in robotics tech and we will be moving onto our final sessions in food tech. This week for tech I found it not only fun but challenging in terms of wanting to win and creating a robotics video to share around with people.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Persuasive speech
In every corner of the world animal cruelty can take many different turns but the effect is always the same. A living animal capable of love and creating relationships experiences pain, fear, most sadly desperation and this needs to stop! Hi, Im Fui and it’s important that I speak for our helpless animals who suffer everyday and dont have a voice for themselves.
In 1793 circuses desired more attention so they collected a variety of different animals for what we call “entertainment”, but there's more to it than that! Have you ever wondered how the bear can balance on the rope? How tiger has no fear to jump through fire? You think its entertainment but all I see is suffering animals that can't live their happy wild life! Why should they lose their happiness, families and most importantly t
heir freedom.
Can't you see the pain in the tiger's eyes knowing he or she could get burnt or even die right then and there, or hear the bear cubs cries for help as the thin rope slitz against his wounded and bruised paws? And this is all for what? Entertainment? Is that really the only reason why these poor animals have to suffer? We have seen their pain, we have heard the cries, we have had our attempts on changing things but will that ever be enough to stop the suffer of our innocent animals?
Did you know that if you were to be caught harming any type of animal you are most likely to be put in jail for 2 years or in most cases 5. If your lucky you are given the chance to bail out earlier by paying the fee of 5,000 dollars. In my opinion all animal abusers should be put in jail for 10 years because that's a living creatures life your ruining let alone their health.
Animals who have been abused can be traumatised for the rest of their lives after they've been either taken care of or rescued. They become afraid to eat with people close by. Sometimes if they feel threatened, they usually bite or growl. Sadly most animals are put down because they will never be able to live a normal life. This shouldn’t be happening because no living thing should have to go through being put down because of behavioural health issues caused by their disgusting abusive owner.
In conclusion animal cruelty is never the answer and will never be the answer to discipline! All in all animal abuse happens every
In conclusion animal cruelty is never the answer and will never be the answer to discipline! All in all animal abuse happens every minute every hour and it needs to stop now! Thank you for listening, I hope you have enjoyed my speech on animal abuse :)
This week we had the fun opportunity to participate in a school speech competition. Each class had the chance to complete their persuasive speech on whatever topic they wanted it to be. In the first week of presenting our speeches in able to win we had to use expression, eye contact, confidence, hooking in the reader and persuasive language features. For our first speech off I started very well but as I stumbled on some words I stopped becoming confident. Thankfully enough we all had the chance to improve by saying our speech again on Monday. I improved on my confidence, Expression and also a lot of eye contact. After morning tea our teachers revealed the winners. Even though I did not make it I was happy to see my sisters place 1st and 3rd. Our winners for yr 7 and 8 was Mele, Jack and Marieta I enjoyed watching their speech because they used a lot of eye contact as well as expression. Here is my speech about animal cruelty and how it is never the way to discipline :)
Monday, 12 August 2019
Polynesian Panthers
h perspectives of the issue.
For the past week in reading, Rakino group has been reading a text that all revolves around the story of the dawn raids and the Polynesian Panthers. If you did not know the Dawn Raids were evacuation protocols which involved the police going to Polynesian homes and forcing them to show their passports that stated whether they were allowed to live in the country. If demands were not met, they were locked up and later kicked out of the country. Our challenge was to read the text and answer questions. With this new found knowledge we needed to create a DLO that showed both perspectives of the issue.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Kiwi sport Swimming
This week for Kiwi sport we learnt how to breast stroke, streamline, float & also dolphin/pencil diving.
It was fun as we had the chance to get taught free lessons from the panmure pools ( YMCA lagoon ). Our goal was to do one of the things we learnt from the middle all the way to the other side without stopping. In the beginning I found it easy & a little challenging. Our swimming teacher James taught us the main things to do to float if we are deep in the water. We also learnt many other fun facts about swimming. All in all I had fun not only because it was a bit challenging but because I learnt fast I found it fun.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Tech Reflections
This week for tech our robotics group was given a challenge based on coding and shapes. We had to make our M-bot follow the black line and sense the red boxes when its time to move. Unfortunately for this week we have not completed our challenge. Most people were close to completing it as their M-bots followed the black line but dident stop at red box as for others stopped at the red box but did not follow the lines. I found this challenge quite hard but really fun as we were give the opportunity to code M-bots using Make-block. I learnt what binary is and what 10, 15, 12 ect is called in binary.
Thursday, 4 July 2019
This week for HIIT we have been focusing on working our top half using each obstical set out for us to use. We first started of with stretches and then moved on to finding a partner. My partner chavda and I started of on doing push ups to mountain climbers & Pull ups. After we did each obstical we all stood in a circle and saw who could do the longest squats to the song big sally up. In the song as it says big sally up, big sally down we had to stay down till the song said big sally up again. As we started to ease into the song we were then being checked if we did it correctly or wrong. If we did it wrong we then was told to step out. Out of all the activities I found doing the squats a challenge because I felt the burn in my thighs and I was tempted to stay in for the whole song.
Maths || Division - Multiplication
This week we have been focusing on strengthening our knowledge in maths to help others learn using a presentation. In each presentation we had the chance to choose what maths we wanted to use in our game. In my game I chose to use Multiplication and Division as in the beginning I found it challenging. In the process of making my maths game I learnt new strategist to solve the equations I put in. I found This activity fun and useful as I had the chance to not only learn new things but help others to gain their knowledge in maths.
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Rhythm Interrogative's Visit to PBS
This week we had a special member Johnny who came from the business Rhythm Interrogative's. He came today to teach us using drum beats and music about an amazing phrase full of inspiration "Together we can make a change". Instead of saying the exact words we said a translation of the African word " O yaka umba yeah". We had a fun session full of repeating the beats of the drum using a djembe one per person. We then learnt about a back story of what I think is cool and interesting. The story was short but had alot of meaning. It was about a owl who challenged the monkey to make a tribe of drummers to stop the railway being made in their home "Jungle". In the end we had the chance to answer questions and win a drum for our school we also learnt the meaning behind the djembe drum. The meaning is ( Joy and happiness. We had alot of fun and we really appreciate the time and effort put into this visit.
Friday, 21 June 2019
Kiwi can
This week for Kiwican we played games that involved the value integrity. Integrity is when you do the right thing when no one is looking. Firstly we started of with getting into partners. The partners then had to rely on each others balancing by doing fun challenges. The first challenge was feet together, feet touching and holding hands. We then had to lean back and see how long our balance would keep up. Inable to get a good balance we needed to chose someone the same size as us as well as the hight. I enjoyed Kiwi can alot because I found it not only fun but challenging. In the end we then did GKQ were whoever stood up the longest challenged everyone one by one to test their knowledge. If you get out by the person you lost to then that person is now the one who is in the lead.
Tech reflections
This week for tech our focus has been on algorithms. One of the subjects on our list we are learning about. Firstly we started of with coding our M-bots to complete the process of coding them to sense weather something is in front of it so it can move and not hit into it. We had to do this first to master the fun challenge given to us. On a table was a set of objects. Whoever could code their robot to sense a motion in front of them and move then they would challenge another person who completed it and see who did well and what we could change to improve it. Today for tech was fun. I enjoyed coding into algorithms to change the sense of motion so we could complete the fun challenge given.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Ballet - Royal Newzealand Ballet
This week on Monday LS2 was given an amazing opportunity to do Ballet from a Royal Newzealand Ballet. We started of with some fun warm ups to strengthen our feet and we also learnt to keep relaxed and flowy with our hands//arms as thats what they do in the show (White swan Black swan). I found this activity fun as we had the chance to not only do a fun dance routine but also learn about the backstory of ballet and the music involved.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Inference - Waltzing Matilda Summary
Today for reading my partner and I read the lyrics of the song ¨Waltzing Matilda". For this activity we made a DLO of our researching skills to create a summary about the information we learnt from the song. The message in the song tells us how in the 1880Å› in Australia people who stole, murdered, kidnapped ect was sent to an Australian jail were you have to work hard and could pass in the processes. We know this because in the song it talks about a seasonal worker who used a tree for his shade and a river for his water. As their was a jumbok(Sheep) coming down to drink the seasonal worker(Swag man) Took the sheep and stuffed it in his bag. As he attempted to close his bag 3 troopers came running saying ¨Youĺl come a Waltzing Matilda with me". As he was getting caught instead of the option to go jail he chose to unsuccessfully make a run.
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi Can we have been learning about the value integrity. Integrity is when you do the right thing when nobody is looking. To test our skills of integrity we played 2 games. The first game we played is called Head, shoulders, knees cone. For this game we were split into even teams and had to face each other. In between us were some cones. As our Kiwican teachers said head, shoulders, Knees and cone they mixed it up a bit so it could be a challenge on who would get it first. Our second game we played we had to stay in our two groups. In our groups one person could go in the middle with a skipping rope swinging in circles on the ground as we jump over it passing the ball around. In the end of our session we had a fun talk about what motivates us to do things ( School work in particular ) . I am motivated to improve on my work so I can get into my dream college.
Student Led Conferences
This week we had our student lead conferences. A student lead conference is when the students bring their caregivers in to show what they do in school and their work. For our student lead conference my siblings and I showed what we do in our class and how it works. In the end of my student lead conference my nanna commented on my blog and gave me feedback on my work. For this years Student led conference I found it fun as I had the chance to share my work and explain how I did it.
Strengthening connections to maths languages
Today for maths we are learning how to strengthen our vocabulary to grow our maths languages. We started off with an example of the word "Hi". We then thought of the variety of words that mean the same thing as "hi. As we had a idea of what we were learning Ms Anderson then asked us to explain what "plane" is. As we all thought it was the aircraft version of the word "plane" We were then told it was the maths version. After that our challenge was to work in a pair and put all the boxes of words under each category we think it belongs in. In this challenge we learnt what most of the words in a maths problems actually means then what we think it means.
maths language,
Monday, 10 June 2019
Translation English -Tongan
This term for inquiry we have been learning about space. For this task Sulia, Mele, and I created a DLO that showed the understanding of our vocabulary that relates back to our inquiry topic. As a group we worked collaboratively to create screencastify with the translations of both English and Tonga. We have added interesting facts and images for each stated planet.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Laika the Space Dog
In Reading Sandra, Nidhi, Joel and I have been working on a collaborative task to revise back on the 4 stories that we have been reading throughout the weeks. We have created a display for our space wall. Each of us took role of creating a display. Fui took the role at making display about Laika the space dog, Sandra took the role at doing the flags to represent the countries that took part in the space race, Nidhi took the role at creating a display about Neil Armstrong.
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Earth and Beyond
This week for Inquiry, we collaborated with LS1 to active our prior knowledge about science, and earth and beyond. Our first activity was creating a digital bus stop slide to active our prior knowledge. I worked with Charlize and Victoria to fill out as much as we could about science, space, earth, our solar system, moon, and sun without searching up any of this information. Then we created a final list of Vocabulary about words related to solar system. We had a time limit, so it was a rush to get information down, then communicate with our partner/s. We finally all watched a video to build on to our prior knowledge and write more onto our presentation.
Friday, 24 May 2019
Tech reflection
This week for tech in ms Ferguson group our new focus was finishing our designs for our clocks. As most of our clocks are completed the designs we did were great. For my clock design I tried to make it a mix of my culture. In the centre of the design I put the Tongan flower. For the colour of the petals I decided to make it a mix of red and orange to get the fiery gradient colour. In the background of my flower I wanted it to represent Samoa/Niue with the water splash effects. For my effects I used a mixture of light blue & white. The light blue represents the clear water of the beautiful island Niue. Since blue is the colour of Samoa I chose it to be light blue instead of dark blue as in most Samoan cultural dances they wear blue dresses ect & the white splashes for white Sunday Samoans celebrate. Today at tech was fun as I completed my clock and can now take it home with me.
Stardome trip
This week my class had the opportunity to visit star dome at night time. As we entered the star dome Tobias lead us into the incredible telescope were we layed down and looked at the stars and also learnt some amazing facts about the planets Saturn/Jupiter. We learnt about many fun facts about each constellation. Did you know that eta carinae is 4 million times brighter and bigger then the sun? This trip was so fun as after we explored the telescope we had the chance to do walk around and do most of the cool activity included.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Celebrity stars (flipsnack)
For reading this term Rakino and Waiheke has joined up to complete a variety of tasks aka (challenges), reading books related to our topic space. The third book I read is celebrity star. This article had a range of facts about Eta carinae (Aotearoa's star). For this challenge I created a explanation using flip-snack to talk about the book I read using my own words. What I found interesting about this activity was that in the book it said that the brightest star is Canopus but as I researched I found out that it is actually Sirius. I learnt about the eta carinae star ( Aotearoa star). I enjoyed this activity as I had the chance to retell the story in my own words and challenging myself to grow my vocabulary using this activity.
Sun facts venn diagram
This term for reading we have been focusing on books linked to our inquiry topic Space. We did a variety of fun activities with the books we read. My second book I read is Sun facts. For the activity I did I created a venn diagram based on the differences between the first book I read ( The problem with Pluto ) vs Sun facts. Both books are fun books to read as they talk about fascinating facts about the sun/Pluto and as my partner and I found it very interesting. What is a venn diagram? you might be thinking. A venn diagram is when you compare too things and talk about the differences between the two. You then list what the similarities are. I think doing a venn diagram helps you to develop your reading skills to connect to what you already know to answer a question. In my DLO I have gathered information about the differences about both of the books and then in the middle I have added what the similarities are. What I found interesting is the both books talk about the sun.
The problem with Pluto
For reading this term Rakino and Waiheke has joined up to complete a variety of tasks aka (challenges), reading books related to our topic space. The first book I read is The problem with Pluto. This article had a range of facts about Pluto and other planets as well. I listed three facts I found interesting about the problem with Pluto. Under them I wrote more facts the book had included. I enjoyed reading this amazing book because everything was clear to read. I also had a learning conversation with my partner Nhidi about the book as we both found it very interesting.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Tech reflection
This week for tech the year 8's had the opportunity to experience what its like to be at tamaki college/college in genrell. In the beginning we were introduced to most of the year ten girls and they shared with us what their first year was like in college and what was their favourite activity at school. We then were given fruits, drinks & muesli bars for morning tea. As our first session ended we moved on to maths. In maths we learnt how to do co-ordinates. The session started off with a game called billy bug. The game billy bug gave us a example of how we do co-ordinates on paper. We then had a chance to draw an alien using a co-ordinate sheet. I really enjoyed maths as we experienced college maths ect. Science was our next rotation. I found science really fun as we got to do experiments using dried ice. We were given glasses & gloves to keep us safe and ready for our next fun experiment. In science I learnt the difference between dried ice and ice we use in drinks. Dried ice includes gas and ice dosent. One of our experiments was to put 2-3 dried ice cubes in a glove and tie a not. As we moved on to our next experiment we noticed that the dried ice we put in filled the glove up with the gas that is in dried ice. Most of the gloves popped as some dident. As we started to ease in to science we were given hard yet fun challenges to do. Such as putting dried ice into a little container, add water and quickly close the lid. The point of this challenge was to see who could close the lid faster and make the container shoot higher. The other cool challenge was to make a bubble using a paper towel(with dish soap on it), Dried ice, a container & water. For the challenge we had to put the dried ice in first, add water and then use the paper towel (Dish soap on it) on top of the container to form a bubble. All in all i'd like to thank tamaki college for a fun experience on how college is like. I enjoyed all the challenges and the students helping us. Thank you to all the staff members who helped us experience how fun college is and that being scared on your first day is ok. At the end of the day i'd like to say how much I had fun their and I am very grateful that they gave us a great tour and provide us with yummy food like chocolate ect. On a scale from one to ten on the tour I would give it a ten and I highly recommend you to go tamaki college. I am definitely looking forward to going college next year.
This week for kiwi sport we did gymnastics. For gymnastics we started off with a warm up game. The warm up game we played was stuck in the mud, but instead of someone crawling under us it was the person who got tagged had to go on one knee and bend their arm to be a toilet. Who ever wasn't tagged to free them they would have to pretend to sit on the person and push their arm down to flush the toilet. In the process of the game our instructor (Steve) threw some problems in such as hoping on one leg, jumping with your feet together and Skipping. After that we then got in to our rotation groups and did a variety of activity that were close to us. My first rotation I did was a mix of handstands over a block, Beam-balancing & doing a roley poly on the beam. We then moved on to the other rotations. After we all did the rotations it was the end of our session. I had a lot of fun especially on the trampoline obstical.
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Place Value Partitioning
This DLO shows how I used the strategy of place value partitioning to solve addition questions. During our maths lesson we practised using this strategy with number and work questions. When I was answering with word questions I had to look for the maths so that I knew the numbers I had to work with. My screencastify shows the strategy I used. The more I used this strategy the easier it got.
Place value partitioning,
Thursday, 2 May 2019
Agent of Change
This week for agents of change we did a DLO based on our goals, How we will achieve them & What we need to work on. I enjoyed this activity as we had the chance to write down our goals and talk about it. This is my DLO on Agent of Change.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
7 continents of the World
This week we learnt facts about the 3 continents. The three continents we learnt about was Asia, Africa & North america because they are the 3 biggest continents in the world. Did you know that the biggest desert is Sahara Africa? We were learning about continents around the world. We were aloud to make a DLO or a google slide but Sandra and I made a Google DLO. We were learning about genrell knowledge. I really like learning about the 7 continents. We learnt that the Three largest continents in the world are Africa,Asia and North America.
Friday, 5 April 2019
Respect Care Award
This week at assembly I was given a very well earned badge. My badge I earned is the respect badge. To get a respect badge I completed all 5 activities put in the Care award booklet. As I completed my respect badge I learnt how to be respectful even when I know a person is in the wrong and I also learnt how to respect others by not talking when they are talking and by using integrity everywhere I go.
Thursday, 4 April 2019
Why is kokako lodge a great place for year 7/8 to go to camp
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Blog post data analysis
This week for my Blog post analysis I collected information from my blog about how many blog post I did each month in a year. I then put it into a graph explaining all the information I have collected and put together. I then created a DLO showcasing my graph and talking about my highest blog post I have done to my lowest blog post I have done. I then put in each average of a year/month for each blog post I did and wrote it down in my DLO. I also put in my blog goal for 2019.
Blog posts,
data analysis,
LS2 2019,
DARE making a bad choice
This week for DARE we did a DLO trying to persuade a bad driver to stop drink driving. This was fun to do as we had the chance to create a DLO knowing that someone might look at it and think twice about what they are about to do.
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Oakley creek
This week for reading we read the book called Oakley creek. The story behind it is how a girl gets peer pressured to lie to her mum and go with her friends to Oakley creek as she desired to fit in with others. Soon later in the story she begins to feel guilt as she lied to her mum and told her mum it was a extra school day. Her mum was worried and soon asked the teacher then was led to the Oakley creek were her daughter (faith) was swimming. As they arrived her mum and her brother stared at her in silence. In the end we do not know what happens but we drew photos to define the word guilt and dilemma. This was a fun activity as we had the chance to be creative with our ideas on drawing and because we were able to share it together as a group. The message in this is to think before you act meaning think long and hard about the consequences that could happen.
Monday, 11 March 2019
Fair Trade
Last week's task for reading for my group (Rakino) was to first read a story called Fair Chocolate. In this story, we learnt about what a fair trade company is, how the fair trade chocolate company gets their cacao beans, and how the chocolate companies can help the cacao farmers live better. After we'd read the story we then needed to have a learning conversation with each other on different questions regarding the story and things in it. The next thing we needed to do was create a DLO about what fair trade companies are.
Writing self evau
How a single use plastic bag can affect our environment?
How might plastic bags affect our environment? They tend to harm our
environment in serious ways such as: suffocating plants, choking sea turtles and
spreading chemicals throughout the soil.
When a plastic bag is exposed to the soil itself it sends around unpleasant
chemicals leaving the soil dead and polluted. One of the most common ways plastic
bags or plastic is known to damage the environment is when it is left on the road
where it could go down drains and travel its way through the drains to the sea.
Once it is in the sea it can do some serious harm that could affect our food chain.
Sea animals and marine creatures usually die from plastic bags as it looks like jellyfish
and as it is a choking hazard to them. Things like this is happening every minute and
it is becoming to be a daily routine in our world today.
Where might we be getting plastic bags from? The most common places you will
find plastic bags is in supermarkets, and shops in general. We use plastic bags to carry
our shopping supplies or even store things in it. In some ways they could be useful
but in reality they are the complete opposite. They are harmful and causes serious
health problems for our environment and surroundings. Did you know that it takes
over 900 years for plastic to decompose? Most places such as fast food places are
realizing the problem and places like supermarkets are starting to stop using
plastic items to sell. This could be a big jump to improvement for us.
What might be the benefits of even just a day without plastic bags? Our environment
will be clean and most of our daily problems will be fixed. So just using a material
bag or a glass cup instead of using plastic could turn this world back on track. So it is
vital that we at least try to stop relying on plastic when we could use things just as
better that not only helps us but our surroundings to.
Self and Buddy Evaluation:
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