
Sunday, 6 January 2019

Summer learning journey : Week 1 Day 2
Image result for tane mahuta tree
Id like to visit Tane Mahuta one day. My reasons this is because I can learn more about the true beauty of tane mahuta. Another reason to this is because I really love nature as it gives me good vibes and inspires me to refelct on me more.

Summer learning journey : week 1 day 2

Summer learning journey : week 1 day 2

Image result for silver ferns uniform
Silver ferns

Image result for black ferns
Black ferns

Image result for football ferns
Football ferns.

For this activity we had to use our smart re searching skills to find three different teams with the name fern in there  names. I   found Silver ferns, Black Ferns and Football ferns. I actually found all three teams amazing presenters of New Zealand!

Summer learning journey : Week 1 Day 3

Summer learning journey : Week 1 Day 3
Image result for chevron skink

I'd like to be a DOC ranger as I want to experince wildlife. I think this because I love nature and animals itself. This weeks activity we had to find out about DOC ranger and learning bits about the Chevron Skink. When we were done we had to then make a google draw on the Pros and cons about the Doc Ranger itself.

Summer learning journey / Week 1 Day 3

1) The name of the animal the WWF is working to save.
The animals the WWF is working to save is Tigers but there main goal is to save endangered Saimaa seal pups / Saimaa seals.

2) What the WWF is doing to help the animals.
Seals usually give birth to pups on snow mounts and if not the pups may have to be given birth on ice which isn't good because one predators are free to get them, they will get cold and because of human disturbance so the WWF is building snow banks for them.

3) What, if any, success they have had protecting the animal.

Summer learning journey / Week 1 Day 4

5 Questions I would ask Sir Edmund Hillary about his life.

1 What was Edmund Hillary famous for?

Why did Hillary climb Mount Everest?

How did Ed Hillary die?

For this activity, I write down three questions I would ask Sir Edmund Hillary about his life. I thought a lot into these questions as want them to count. My last question is the main question that I would like to ask.

Summer learning journey : week 1 Day 4

This week for summer learning journey I created an explanation showing how to bake chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate cookies are always my got to as it is an fast and easy treat to make. I had a lot of fun explaining how to make chocolate cookies.

Summer learning journey: Week 1 Day 4

Summer learning journey: Week 1 Day 4

I would create my hotel out of natural things that come from a forest. I would have vines, a blue carpet representing a lake and I would have flowers to make my hotel smell nice. I expect it to look like a tree house but a hotel. I really enjoyed the outcome of all the rooms but I reckon I could make a few things improved.
I also really liked the way my room turned out how it gave nature vibes and inspired me to be even more active in my like then how I already am. 

Summer learning journey : Week 1 Day 5

Summer learning journey : Week 1 Day 5
Image result for nz forests

I think that vloggers shouldent be allowed to cut down trees because trees are not unlimited that will keep growing for ever. Also think animals living in an environment having to see there homes getting destroyed. I had a very big question though. What if we could see through the animals' eyes and see there home getting destroyed. So I think we should stand up for our environment and try to make a change.