
Thursday, 27 July 2017

Blog commenting

This week I have chosen to comment on someone who is in my maths group  blog post. Here is my positive comment. In this comment I have put a question and a suggestion about  the blurb,to show that
I read and understood their blog post clearly.

Persuasive-Word art

LI: What is persuasive.
LI: to show what we already know about the purpose and language of advertising.

This weeks focus was on Persuasive language. To make this blog post possible I used worddle and Word art. I learnt  that Persuasive language can be used on advertisements and more. Here is a persuasive language that is in my Word art ( one nutritiousness bite!)

Duck OverBoard

LI: to identify main ideas in a text.  Today I learnt how to Answer questions that open to the main ideas of the text. I learnt by reading the information about duck overboard and finding the main ideas in a text.

Team Work

  LI: Identify actions and factors  that can prevent a team from walking.  Today for inquiry Sila,Peter and me made  T chart. One side is is good things a team would do and the other side is the whole opposite.


 This week for maths we had to learn about dimensional shapes. I learnt about a 3D triangle and a cube. I learnt by finding information about the two shapes I picked out then I gave a photo with examples. I think that the cube was easy for me to work out because I used background information that I already know and I put it on to my presentation on shapes.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Kiwi Can

This week for Kiwi Can our topic was emotions. At Kiwi Can we played two games called Emotional music and Emotional statues. The first game we played was Emotional music. For the game emotional music we had to group up. Then we waited for when Mr Malu told us our topic so we can act it out. Then for Emotional statues we had to pick who was gonna be the creator,witch means that the other person was a statue. The creator had to wait for Mr Malus topic. The creator also had to tell the statue what to do. For 
Example Mr Malu would call out an emotion then the creator made the statue change faces into the emotion Mr Malu gave. Another thing The creator had to do was give a reason why their statue had 
a sad/happy/all emotion face. Example: If you had a sad statue you would have to give a reason why it is sad. I had fun playing these games because I learnt lots about emotions and how you can tell someones emotions. Here is a Example photo of what we had to do.

This photo is related to the game called emotional statues.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Weight Tally

     LI:  to measure our weight using a scale.
     This week for maths I learnt how to add (Kg). We had to scale our self then add our weight together.


Thursday, 6 July 2017

Winter solarist

 LI: To develop an understanding of Matariki elements. Today I learnt about Winter solstice. I learnt by  making an Animation about the Winter solstice.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Animal esape

 LI: to interact and comprehend a range of narrative text. Today I learnt how to interact and comprehend. I learnt by writing a
Poster of the 3 missing animals in the book called The Giraffe , Pelican and Monkey.

Re-search the Author

 LI: to interact and comprehend a range of narrative text. Today I learnt about Roald dahl. I learnt by making a Re-search the Author presentation and finding as much Information then changing it into my own words.